Declaration of the Web Operator
Concerning the General Data Protection Regulation

VI GROUP Company LtD, residing at Roľnícka ulica Street, 157, Bratislava – Vajnory City District, 831 07, Registration Number: 35 972 131, operating the web domain (hereinafter referred to as the "Web Operator" in the appropriate form), in order to secure protection of general and personal data, had undertook adequate technical and organisational measures, which comply with legal requirements of processing personal data.

Any particular information is available by phone: 0948 132 120, by email:, in person visiting the Web Operator´s residence at Roľnícka ulica Street, 157, Bratislava – Vajnory; or at the Web Operator´s web domain:

Down below, find information concerning processing and protection of personal data governed by Regulation (EC) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and further circulation of these data repealing the Directive 95/46/ES (general directive with regard to data protection) and the Act No. 18/2018 as amended, on personal data protection, and amending certain other acts (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data Protection Act)”.

1. Web Operator

Roľnícka Street 157 Bratislava – Vajnory City District, 831 07

Registration Number: 35972131

We process your personal data for private purposes only as Web Operator. That means, we determine purposes for collecting your personal data, we determine means of processing the data and we are liable for their proper implementation.

2. List of our intermediaries and recipients, who process your personal data

Your personal data are being processed by a third party, which is either in position of an intermediary or a recipient, each time you visit the webdomain; each time we send you marketing content – the newsletters; and each time you fill in contact data form:

Third party Type of service
Websupport, LtD., Staré Grunty Street, 12, Bratislava 841 04, Registration Number: 36421928 Web Hosting
Maner Consult, LtD., Ľanová Street, 31, Chorvátsky Grob 900 25, Registration Number: 50225855 Accounting Management
Marián Hrúzik, Príčina Street, 680/24, Žitavany 951 97, Registration Number: 48305880 Mortgage Consultant
Ing. Ferdinand Bartal, Jána Jonáša Sreet, 2781/2, Senica, 905 01, Registration Number: 53875371 Technician for claims and complaints
Ing. Peter Loziňák, Azalková Street, 767/2, Bratislava – Ružinov, 821 02, Registration Number: 45561524 Technician for claims and complaints
StavControl, LtD, Silvánova Street, 2793/2, Pezinok, 902 01, Registration Number: 46196994 Technician for claims and complaints
RT engeneering, LtD, Ul. 1. Mája Street, 248, Kysucké N.Mesto, 024 01, Registration Number: 50772317 Technician for claims and complaints
Dorota Vavrušová, D.O.A., Čiernovodská Street 5231/6, Bratislava-Vrakuňa, 821 07, Registration Number: 34717111 Sales Representative
Martin Ščerbák, Brezová 715/4, Dunajská Lužná, 900 42, Registration Number: 53167961 Sales Representative

3. Purpose of personal data processing

Representing the VI GROUP Company, LtD, as the company´s Web Operator we receive from you only data we truly need to provide a quality service: [IDB2] , to provide client´s and product support, or to handle claims and complaints. The purposes of personal data processing during each step of the operation is:

  • We collect and process personal data governed by Article 6, par. 1, letter f/ GDPR Directive as we communicate with clients on phone, in person, or by e-mail/ paper mail, with rightful interest to react to the claim they raise; or to answer their question regarding the services we provide and products we deliver. To do so, we need to verify relevance of the claim or initiate further contact with the client or the concerned person.
  • In case of client´s interest in our services; when placing an service order by phone, in person, or by e-mail/ paper mail, we process personal data governed by Article 6, par. 1, letter b/ GDPR Directive – when processing of personal data is necessary to execute needful interventions reflecting requirements of the client – the customer – before completing and confirming the order, that is, during the pre-contracting period – e.g.: identification of the client during placing, defining or adjusting the order; assessing or changing the address and time of delivery; eventually adding needful data to complete the order.
  • After confirming the order, that is, after the contractual relationship had been established between VI GROUP Company LtD and the concerned person/ customer; during necessary cooperative communication with the client; when informing the client about order changes; during final delivery; or issuing tax document (invoice), we process personal data governed by Article 6, par. 1, letter b/ GDPR Directive – when processing of personal data is necessary to execute the contractual relationship, in which you are the contractual part as a concerned person – the customer.
  • You can subscribe your e-mail address via our web domain VI GROUP LtD for newsletter delivery – that is for regular delivery of new product updates. For this purpose, we process personal data governed by Article 6, par. 1, letter a/ GDPR Directive – based on the granted consent that we can process your personal data for the purpose of delivering you the up-to-date news in form of newsletters to the e-mail address you have provided us with.

4. List of processed personal data

  • Data for delivering a message through online contact form
    • Name and Surname
    • Address of the electronic mail
  • Data for newsletter delivery registration – regarding new product updates
    • Address of the electronic mail
  • Data needed to complete the order
    • Name and Surname
    • Address of the electronic mail
    • Address of permanent residence, eventually other mail address suitable for shipment delivery
    • Cell phone number
  • Invoice data
    • Name and Surname
    • Address of the electronic mail
    • Address of the permanent residence, or other mail address for invoice purposes
    • Account Number / IBAN Number
  • Contact information for shipment delivery
    • Name and Surname
    • Address of the electronic mail
    • Address of the permanent residence, or other mail address suitable for shipment delivery
    • Cell phone Number – to confirm date, time and place of delivery; eventually to execute changes in the order
    • Address of electronic mail – to send electronic confirmation of the order and to change status of the order; and also to contact the client in emergency, if he/she is not available by phone

5. The period during which personal data are to be processed and retained

The personal data we collected, or collect, that are governed by Article 6, par. 1, letter b/ GDPR Directive – delivering on commitments of the VI GROUP Company LtD Web Operator to suppliers and clients, we further process in order to comply with our legal duties in the accounting and tax division, which result from generally applicable law directives (e.g. retaining particular accounting entries of your confirmed orders and invoices for the purpose of delivering products to your delivery address complying with the Act of Law No 431/2002 as amended on accounting; to prove compliance with tax obligations in accordance with tax legislation of the Act of Law No. 595/2003 as amended on income tax; Act of Law No. 563/2009 as amended on tax administration, etc.), need to be retained in our administration for a period pursuant to the relevant legislation. In any event, we generally follow a rule of minimizing retention of personal data governed by Article 5, par. 1, letter e/ GDPR Directive, and therefore your personal data, which are not subject to archiving under specific legislation, will be erased or anonymised.

Personal data processed pursuant to Article 6, letter a/ GDPR Directive – based on your consent to processing personal data for the purpose of delivering information on new product updates – will be retained for the length of 3 years, or until consent recantation. When the 3 years of personal data retention come to close, we will contact you by written letter or by email that you may extend your consent to personal data processing as had been defined for the next contractual period. If you don’t extend your consent to personal data processing to us or you will not respond to us, after we contact you, your personal data will no longer be processed – that is, we will automatically delete your data from our records; all electronic data will be removed from our systems; or will be physically destroyed.

Personal data processed pursuant to Article 6, letter f/ GDPR Directive – based on a rightful interest, which were acquired as a response to your claim or your answer concerning the delivered services and products, when it was necessary to verify relevance of the claim, or initiate further contact with the client or the concerned person, were not subsequently passed to pre-contract or contract relationship and were immediately deleted.

As the Web Operator, we will secure deleting all personal data without further delay, when all contractual relationships between you and Web Operator will have been terminated; and/ or

  • All your commitments towards the Web Operator will have expired; and/ or
  • All your complaints and claims will have been attended to; and/ or
  • All other rights and obligations of yours between you and the Web Operator will have been settled; and/ or
  • All purposes for data processing governed by legal directives; or data processing, to which you gave your consent to will have been fulfilled, if data processing took place based on the consent of the concerned person; and/ or
  • The request introduced by concerned person for personal data removal will have been accepted and one of possible reasons giving grounds to meet the request will have been fulfilled; and/ or
  • There will have resulted an ultimate legal circumstance for terminating the purpose of personal data processing and, at the same time, the protective retention term defined by principles of minimizing data retention will have expired;
  • And at the same time, there is no valid legal interest of the Web Operator involved; all legal obligations of the Web Operator defined by general binding rules, which require retention of personal data of the concerned person (namely) will have ceased; or the legal obligations, which couldn’t be fulfilled, if personal data hadn’t been retained.

We definitely don’t process systematically any personal data acquired on random basis for any purpose that we might have generated arbitrarily. If situation allows, we inform the concerned person owning the personal data acquired on random basis about the random way they had been acquired, and we consider appropriate steps leading to resuming control over his/her personal data, as we see fitting with regard to the nature of the case. Immediately, after the inevitable steps leading to solution had been taken, without delay we safely delete all the personal data acquired on random basis.

In case you have any further demand about specific ways we retain your personal data, don’t hesitate to contact us via contact information on our website.

6. Camera systems at our premises

Our premises (exterior and interior) are monitored by security camera system which allows for making records. The security camera system at the premises operates pursuant to Article 6, par. 1, letter f/ GDPR Directive – of lawful interest to protect property against theft or damage, as well as allowing for investigation of possible illegal action. Operator of the security camera system is the Web Operator, that is, VI GROUP Company LtD, Roľnícka ulica Street, 157, Bratislava – Vajnory City District, 831 07, Registration Number: 35 972 131

Retention period for camera records is 72 hours.

7. Publishing of the data

The Web Operator does not publish the acquired data in any circumstances.

8. Publishing of the data

Cross-border transfer of data does not ever occur.

9. Rights and obligations of the concerned person

  • Customer is obliged to present only complete and true data.
  • If customer had established a contractual relationship with the Web Operator, he/ she commits to update his/ her personal data each time they change, and inform the Web Operator about the update.
  • If customer presents his/her personal data to the third party (name, surname, cell-phone number), he/ she commits him/herself, that the third party is acquainted with procedures, rights and obligations, as indicated on this website.
  • Being our customer and concerned person, you are in limited extent licensed to handle your personal data. You can claim the below mentioned rights either:
    • in person, a the official residence of the Web Operator, that is, VI GROUP Company LtD, Roľnícka ulica Street, 157, Bratislava – Vajnory City District, 831 07,
    • by phone, calling our customer service: 0948 132 120
    • by e-mail:
    • by written form using the Web Operator´s address: VI GROUP Company LtD, Roľnícka ulica Street, 157, Bratislava – Vajnory City District, 831 07,

We will do our best to respond to your requests as soon as possible, within 30 days after we will have received your request, the latest. Valid legal rules and GDPR Directives, collectively speaking the Law, guarantees you first and foremost:

Right to access – Mit is rightful for you to request from us confirmation whether we process your personal data, and if we do, you can request a copy of these data and additional information resulting from the Article 15 of the Directive, or par. 21 of the Law. In case we collect too many of your data, we can ask you to specify the group of data we process that you are interested in.

Right to correction – Because we need to work only with true and actual personal data, we need you to inform us about any change in your data as soon as it is valid. In case, we process incorrect personal data of yours, it is rightful for you to require their correction.

Right to clearence – If conditions of the Article 14 of the Directive, or par. 23 of the Law had been met, you can request clearance of your personal data. You can request clearance of the personal data, if you revoked your consent that we can process your personal data and there is no other legal base for their processing; or in case we process your personal data illegally; or the purpose for processing personal data had subsided in the meanwhile, and we no longer process them with any compatible purpose. However, we will not delete your personal data, if we need them to prove, exercise or defend any legal claims.

Right to limited processing – if conditions of the Article 18 of the Directive, or par. 24 of the Law had been met, you can require that we limit processing of your personal data. You can require limited data processing along with objecting to accuracy of your data processing; or in case your data processing is illegal but you request your data not to be deleted – but you need that your personal data are processed until you exercise your rights. We process your personal data further on, if there are reasons to prove, exercise or defend any legal claims.

Right to data transfer – if data processing is based on your consent, or is excercised for the purpose of performance of the contract concluded with you, and, at the same time data processing is carried out by automated means, it is rightful for you to obtain your personal data, which we had collected from you in a common computer readable form. We will transfer your data directly to another operator, if you have such a claim and if it´s going to be technically doable. This claim will not be possible to apply, if processing of personal data is undertaken to fulfil any public-service mission or to exercise public authority.

Right to object against data processing – If processing of personal data is undertaken to fulfil any public-service mission, or to exercise public authority given to us, or if processing of personal data is executed based on our rightful interests or rightful interest of the third party, you have right to object to such data processing. Based on your objection, we will limit processing of your data; but until we don´t prove serious rightful purposes for data processing, which predominate over your interests, rights and freedoms, or reasons to prove, exercise or defend any legal claims, we will not process personal data any longer, and will erase your personal data. You have right to object to personal data processing anytime, if the purpose is direct marketing, including profiling to the extent defined by direct marketing strategies. After an objection will have been raised, we will no longer process your personal data for this purpose again.

Right to file a complaint – If you suppose the personal data processing is at odds with the Directives, or the Law, you have right to file a complaint to one of the respective supervisory authorities, particularly in one of the Member States of your usual residence, of the place of employment, or of the place of supposed law breaching. Supervisory authority for Slovak Republic is the Data Protection Authority, residing at Hraničná ulica Street, No. 4826/12, 820 07 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, website:, cell phone: +421 /2/ 3231 3220.

Right to revoke consent – If your personal data processing is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke the consent whenever you see fit. Revoking consent has no effect on past data processing. If you decide anytime later, that you do want to receive newsletters and marketing material regarding our products and services, you can give your revoked consent (or raised objection) again whenever you want, by the above mentioned means of contact.

10. Contact information of the Data Protection Authority and the competent person

Data Protection Authority of the Slovak Republic
Hraničná ulica Street, No. 12
820 07, Bratislava 27
Slovenská republika

Identification Number: 36 064 220

Filing Department:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 03:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 02:00 PM

Personal Data Protection Consultations by phone:
Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, phone: +421 2 323 132 20

Secretariat of Head of Department, phone: +421 2 323 132 11

Secretariat of the Department, phone: +421 2 323 132 14

Fax: +421 2 323 132 34

Cell phone: 0910 985 794

E-mail contacts:
a) primary e-mail:
b) delivering information pursuant to the Law 211/2000:
c) webdomain:
d) for filing requests on information delivery pursuant to the Law 211/2000, regarding free access to information using online form.
e) email address of the Department for providing consultations regarding personal data protection. The address is intended for children, youth, students, teachers, and parents who suspect their personal data had been misused:

You can find model form to initiate proceedings regarding personal data protection at the Data Protection Authority Department website:

11. Web domain security system

Web domain uses encrypted SSL connection with any user and any data transfer, and blocks access of third parties to data transfer during online transmission and data altering by any third party. Operator´s databases containing personal data are protected by encryption and by non-public access data complying with the most recent technical standards.

12. Terms of using cookies

In accordance with requirements set out in par. 55, Article 5 of the Law 351/2011 of the National Council of Slovak Republic regarding electronic communication, we kindly inform you that our web domain uses cookies. In case you are not happy with the current cookie setting, you can change it in your web browser settings.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files, which can be sent to the web browser as you browse different websites and can be further saved in your device (computer or other device with internet connection, e.g. smartphone, or tablet, more accurately, in the internet browser files folder. Cookies usually contain a website name, from which they originate; the date of occurrence, and further information a website uses to notice particular entries, settings, and preferences (such as logins, language, font size, and other display preferences) at certain time, so a user doesn´t need to specify these every time he/ she browses the website again. Cookies can also help detect the way a website had been used and analyse it. There are so called „session cookies“, which shut down after a web browser had been closed, and so called „permanent cookies“, which are being continually saved for a longer time on your hard disc, and only after a particular period of time will be deleted by the internet browser.

Using cookies

Browsing web sites operated by VI GROUP LtD. you give your consent that we can use your cookies as defined in your browser settings. If you browse our web sites,... if your web browser allows receiving cookies,... if you don´t change your browser settings, and continue browsing our websites, we do consider your actions to mean that you accepted our terms of using cookies.
Cookies that we use don´t harm your computer.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to provide users with optimal and ever better services; to adjust our services to your concerns and needs; to improve their structure and content, as well as, present you with interesting offers. Web Operator VI GROUP LtD. doesn´t use data gathered through using cookies such as user´s contact data for initiating email contact, correspondence contact, or a phone call. The extent, within which particular implemented cookies process data, is pursuant Article 6, par. 1, letter f/ GDPR Directives – of lawful interest to maintain the best functionality and optimisation of the web site and marketing tools for the purpose of targeted and effective marketing.

How can you change cookie settings?

Most internet browsers are originally preset to accept cookies automatically. You can change this setting by blocking cookies or by turning on notifications in case cookies are about to be sent to your device. You will find instructions for changing cookies by clicking „help“ option in every browser. If you use multiple devices for browsing internet (computer, smartphone, tablet), we recommend that you change cookie preferences within every browser on every device.

You can find particular instructions for the most frequently used browsers by clicking the following links:
Internet Explorer

Why is it recommended to keep the preset cookies settings?

Allowing and using cookies in your web browser is your decision. But be aware that changing cookie settings can limit functionality and decrease user´s comfort of some of our internet browsers.

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